Opening Returns

ATX allows you to open and manage up to three returns simultaneously. Each return is represented by a tab at the top of the screen, to the right of the main manager tabs.

To open a return:

  1. From any main manager (except Rollover Manager), highlight the return you want to open.
  2. Do one of the following:
  3. Double-click the desired return.
  4. Select a return; then, click the Open button on the toolbar.
  5. Select a return; then, click the Returns menu and select Open Selected Return.
  6. Select a return; then, press Ctrl+O.

Return Manager (Open Return)

For a detailed explanation of the components of the open return, see Open Return Interface.

Opening Password-Protected Returns

Return Password dialog box

  1. Enter the current password.

If a password has been assigned to a return, you must know the password in order to open the return. If you do not know the password, only the Admin user or a user with Administrator rights can change the password.

  1. Click OK.

Opening Returns Locked to Other Users

If you work on a network, the system prevents more than one user from opening a return at a time. If you try to open a return that is already open, you'll receive the following message:

Locked Return message

The Locked Return message tells you the User Name and the Workstation ID that has the return is open.


See Also:

Open Return Menus

Adding Forms to a Return

Navigating Within Returns